
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Euresei skalino trigono
@authors: geokoutsiouri katkaranikola stkarlos

a = float(raw_input('gonia a = '))
b = float(raw_input('gonia b = '))
c = float(raw_input('gonia c = '))

isopleuro = False
isoskeles = False
orthogonio = False

if a+b+c != 180:
    print 'no triangle'
 if a == b and b == c:
    isopleuro = True
 elif a == b or a == c or b == c:
     isoskeles = True
 elif a == 90 or b == 90 or c == 90:
     orthogonio == True

 if ((not(isopleuro)) and (not(orthogonio)) and (not(isoskeles))):
    print 'nothing'


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