
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Amintikos programmatismos gia plithos stoixeion 
entos enos password
@authors: geokoutsiouri katkaranikola stkarlos
c = 0
a = '!=@'  #stoixeia anazitisis
password = raw_input('dose kodiko: ')
for i in range(0,len(password)):
    if password[i] in a:
        c = c+1
while password.count('#') == 0 or c>=2:
    print 'wrong! you should use at least one # and no more than one of !=@'
    password = raw_input('ksanadose kodiko: ')
    c = 0
    for i in range(0,len(password)):
        if password[i] in a:
            c = c+1


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