Laboratory Course (2019-20)
Anaconda Distribution: [link]
Codeskulptor environment: [link]
- Lesson 1 : Arithmetic of number systems: homework [.pdf] – Gates []
- Lesson 2 : Introduction to Python []
Laboratory Course (2017-18)
Codeskulptor enviroment: [link]
Online courses: [coursera] [learnpython] [solved exercises] [solved_numpy_exercises]
- Lessons 1 & 2: homework [.doc] [.pdf]
- Lesson 3 [.py] [homework – instructions are printed in your screen]
- Lesson 4 [.py] [.py] [.py] [.py] [homework]
- Lesson 5 [.py] [.py] [.py] [homework]
- Lesson6 [.py] [.py] [homework]
- Lesson7 [.py] [.py] [.py] [homework]
- Lesson8 [.py] [.py] [.py] [.py]
- Lesson9 [.py] [.py] [homework]
- Lesson10 [.py] [.py] [.py] [homework]
- Lesson11 [.py] [.py] [.py]
- Lesson12 [.py] [.py]
- Lesson13 [.py] [.py]
Laboratory Course (2016-17)
Eclass material: slides laboratory Exercise_1 Exercise_2 Exercise_3 old_exams: 1 2 3
cheat sheets: Numpy Scipy(Linear Algebra) Matplotlib
github : python material
- homework_1 [.doc]
- homework_2 [.pdf] [useful link]
- Lesson 3 [.py] [.py]
- Lesoon 4[.py] []
- Lesson5 [.py] [.py] [.py] []
- Lesoon6 [.py] [.py] []
- Lesson7 [.py] [.py] [.py] [] []
- Lesson8 [.py] [.py] [.py]
- Lesson9 [.py] [.py] [.py] []
- Lesson10 [.py] [.py]
- Lesson11[.py] [linear_algebra examples]
- Lesson12 [.py] [.py]
- Lesson13 [.py] [.py] [.py]