
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu May 18 14:21:59 2017

Simple Examples of defs with lists
@authors: katkaranikola stkarlos
def max_listas(l):
    M = l[0]
    for i in range(1, len(l)):
        if l[i] > M:
            M = l[i]
    return M

a = max_listas([2,3,5,7,-1,56])
print a

def count_inside_list(l , limit):
    counter = 0
    for i in range(0, len(l)):
        if l[i] > limit:
            counter = counter + 1
    return counter

a = count_inside_list([2,3,5,7,-1,56] , 4)
print a


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