
def Bisect(Func, a, b):
#  Determines a real root x of function Func isolated in interval [a,b] by
#  the bisection method
   eps = 1e-10                                   # relative precision of root
   itmax = 100                                       # max. no. of iterations

   x = a; fa = Func(x)                                       # is a the root?
   if (abs(fa) == 0e0): return (x)
   x = b; fb = Func(x)                                       # is b the root?
   if (abs(fb) == 0e0): return (x)

   if (fa*fb > 0): 
       print("[a,b] does not contain a root!")
       return (x)               # [a,b] does not contain a root
                                              # or contains several roots
   for it in range(1,itmax+1):
      x = 0.5e0 * (a + b)                                 # new approximation
      fx = Func(x)
      if (fa*fx > 0): a = x                    # choose new bounding interval
      else: b = x
      if (((b-a) <= eps*abs(x)) or (abs(fx) <= eps)): return (x)

   print("Bisect: max. no. of iterations exceeded !"); return (x)

def FalsPos(Func, a, b):
#  Determines a real root x of function Func isolated in interval [a,b] by
#  the false position method
   eps = 1e-10                                   # relative precision of root
   itmax = 100                                       # max. no. of iterations

   x = a; fa = Func(x)                                       # is a the root?
   if (abs(fa) == 0e0): return (x)
   x = b; fb = Func(x)                                       # is b the root?
   if (abs(fb) == 0e0): return (x)

   if (fa*fb > 0): 
       print("[a,b] does not contain a root!")
       return (x)                # [a,b] does not contain a root
                                              # or contains several roots
   for it in range(0,itmax):
      x = (a*fb - b*fa)/(fb - fa)                         # new approximation
      fx = Func(x)
      if (fa*fx > 0):                          # choose new bounding interval
         dx = x - a; a = x; fa = fx
         dx = b - x; b = x; fb = fx
      if ((abs(dx) <= eps*abs(x)) or (abs(fx) <= eps)): return (x)

   print("FalsPos: max. no. of iterations exceeded !"); return (x)

def NewtonNumDrv(Func, a, b, x):
#  Determines a real root x of function Func isolated in interval [a,b] by
#  the Newton-Raphson method using the numerical derivative. x contains on
#  input an initial approximation.
   eps = 1e-10                                   # relative precision of root
   itmax = 100                                       # max. no. of iterations

   for it in range(0,itmax):
      f = Func(x)
      dx = eps*abs(x) if x else eps                        # derivation step
      df = (Func(x+dx)-f)/dx                           # numerical derivative
      dx = -f/df if abs(df) > eps else -f                  # root correction
      x += dx                                             # new approximation
      if ((x < a) or (x > b)): 
          print("[a,b] does not contain a root!")
          return (x)   # [a,b] does not contain a root
      if (abs(dx) <= eps*abs(x)): return (x)          # check convergence

   print("NewtonNumDrv: max. no. of iterations exceeded !"); return (x)

def Secant(Func, a, b, x):
#  Determines a real root x of function Func isolated in interval [a,b] by
#  the secant method. x contains on entry an initial approximation.
#  Error code: 0 - normal execution
#              1 - interval does not contain a root
#              2 - max. number of iterations exceeded
   eps = 1e-10                                   # relative precision of root
   itmax = 1000                                      # max. no. of iterations

   x0 = x; f0 = Func(x0)
   x = x0 - f0                                          # first approximation
   for it in range(0,itmax):
      f = Func(x)
      df = (f-f0)/(x-x0)                             # approximate derivative
      x0 = x; f0 = f                      # store abscissa and function value
      dx = -f/df if abs(df) > eps else -f                  # root correction
      x += dx                                             # new approximation
      if ((x < a) or (x > b)): 
           print("[a,b] does not contain a root!")
           return (x)   # [a,b] does not contain a root
      if (abs(dx) <= eps*abs(x)): return (x)          # check convergence

   print("Secant: max. no. of iterations exceeded !"); return (x)

def f(x):
    return (x**3-x-3)

print 'Bisection method'
print Bisect(f, 0.0, 2.0)
print 'False position method'
print FalsPos(f, 0.0, 2.0)
print 'Newton-Raphson method using the numerical derivative'
print NewtonNumDrv(f,0.0, 2.0,1.5)
print 'Secant method'
print Secant(f,0.0, 2.0,1.5)


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